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Township Boards & Commissions

Board of Supervisors

Planning Commission

Zoning Hearing Board

Historical Commission

Agricultural Security Advisory Committee

Emergency Management Coordinator

Tax Collector

Southern Lehigh Public Library Representative

Board of Supervisors

Ellen L. Koplin, Chair

Lowell F. Linde, Vice Chair

Timothy E. Cougle, Supervisor

Mark Cappuccio, Esq., Solicitor


Board Supervisors are elected positions with a 6 year term.
They meet the 1st Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM for Workshop Meetings, as needed.

They meet the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm for Regular Supervisor’s Meetings.

Planning Commission

Cathleen Bannon, Chair

John Harbove, Vice-Chair

Ellen Koplin

Kara Stever

John Bannon

Mark Cappuccio, Esq., Solicitor


This Commission is an appointed position with a 4 year term.  A minimum of 1 term expires each year, unless a vacancy is otherwise advertised.
They meet the 1st Monday of the month at 6:30 pm.

Zoning Hearing Board

Donna Wright, Chair

Girard Graham, Vice-Chair

Allison Schaffer, Secretary
Denise Holub

Edward Lounsberry

Jeffrey Fleischaker, Esq. and the firm of Gross McGinley, LLP, Solicitor


This Board is an appointed position with a 5 year term.  One term expires each year, unless a vacancy is otherwise advertised.
They meet the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm or as announced/advertised.

Historical Commission

Lowell Linde, Chair
William Roy

Mandi Yoachim


This Commission is an appointed position with a 3 year term.  One term expires each year, unless a vacancy is otherwise advertised.

They meet as needed and additionally advertised. 

Zoning Hearing Board Alternate

Mark Somers

Jeffrey Fleischaker Esq., Solicitor


The ZHB Alternate is an appointed position with a 3 year term. The ZHB Alternate may participate in any discussion or proceeding of the ZHB, but is not a voting member unless designated as such to reach a quorum.
They meet the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm or as announced/advertised.

Agricultural Security Advisory Committee

Lowell Linde, Chair

Douglas Aten

William Hildebeitel
Sharon Boyer

William Roy

The Committee is an appointed positions with one supervisor as chair. The chair is reappointed annually.

They meet as needed and additionally advertised.

Emergency Management Coordinator

Brian McKee

The EMS is recommended by the Board of Supervisors and appointed by the Governor.

Tax Collector

Jessica Skibicki

The tax collector is an elected position with a 4 year term.

Southern Lehigh Public Library Representative

Ellen Deebel

The SLPL Representative is an appointed position with a 3 year term.

Residents interested is applying for an open position on any Lower Milford Board or Commission are encouraged to submit a letter of interest or an Appointed Board Member Application to the Township Office. 

7607 Chestnut Hill Church Road

Coopersburg, PA  18036


Fax: 610-967-1013

Office Hours:  8:00 AM - 4:00 PM M-F

Lower Milford Township is located in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. Founded in 1853, Lower Milford is historically agricultural with over 3,000 acres under agricultural preservation. 

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