Tax Collector
The Township tax collector is an elected position with a four year term.
The tax collector can be reached at (610) 967-4949 ext. 115 or by email at taxcollector@lowermilford.org.
Jessica Skibicki
2025 Tax Collector Hours:
5:30 - 7:30 PM
on Mondays in the months of
April, May, July, August, October & December
Additional hours include:
May 20, 22, 27, 29 &
August 19, 21, 26, 28
May 26 & December 15, 22, 29
Earned Income Tax
The primary source of revenue for the Township is the Earned Income Tax (1/2%). An additional source of revenue is Real Estate Taxes. Lower Milford Township currently has a millage rate of .67756 mills dedicated to the General Township Fund. An additional .33878 mills are dedicated to a Fire Fund.
The EARNED INCOME TAX is collected by Berkheimer Associates, appointed by the Lehigh Tax Collection Committee. Berkheimer Associates can be reached by calling 1-800-360-8989 or by way of their web site www.hab-inc.com.
To file your EIT return online: https://cp-efile.hab-inc.com/individual/
Real Estate Tax
The Real Estate Taxes for the Township are billed in April of the tax year and collected by an elected Tax Collector. While the Tax Collector uses the Township building for their office hours, the Township and staff are not able to answer questions about taxes and your payment will not be considered received until the Tax Collector is present to accept it.
Tax Certifications
Tax certifications are $15. Certifications include 3 years of history of the township and school real estate taxes. Requests can be mailed to Jessica Skibicki, Lower Milford Township, 7607 Chestnut Hill Church Rd, Coopersburg, PA 18036, emailed to taxcollector@lowermilford.org or faxed to 610-967-1013. If emailing or faxing a request, please include a copy of the check being mailed. Checks should be made payable to Jessica Skibicki.
Lower Milford Millage Rates:
Township General Fund .67756 mills
Township Fire Fund .33878 mills
Visit the Lehigh County website for further tax information.